Tag Archives: experience cylinder

Maritime Archeology Experience Cylinder (ExCyl) installation at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. 2016

Since 2013, participants of the ExLab RUC team have developed a maritime archeology installation in close cooperation with the Maritime Archeology Experimentarium at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde.

A copy of the ExLab RUC Experience Cylinder’s (ExCyl) digital and physical architecture has been developed in support of the difficult task of communicating maritime archeology. Based on the ExCyl installation interactive underwater scenarios have been developed.

  • A model of the planned maritime archeology exhibition at the museum:


  • Underwater archeology is a science difficult to communicate in a museum setting and exhibition. The idea of the installation therefore is to inspire an underwater experience.


  • Several steps have been taken to develop the installation from raw canvas to the final interactive scenario in terms of technology as well as narrative and interaction.


  • The interactive installation traces the audience’s location in space and with this location as a starting point different media (picture, text, video etc.) are shown to be selected and experienced by the audience.


Course “Design of interactive experiences”, May 2013

A course for computer science and informatics students was held in the Experience Lab for 5 weeks starting late April 2013 until the 24th May.  18 students took part, and the course was taught by Morten Brandrup and John Gallagher.

The practical focus of the course was on building interactive software systems using two platforms:  Unity3D and openFrameworks, and natural physical interaction with body tracking using Kinect or camera, a remote control with gestures or a wireless controller.  The theory in the course included aspects of the design of different kinds of interactive experience, including aspects such as narrative and context.