Author Archives: sisse

Italian pictures at Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Copenhagen, Friday 22-11-2013


This Friday evening Bjørn Laursen opened the exhibition Italian pictures at Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Copenhagen. The exhibition shows the many evocative and sensual pencil sketches Bjørn has drawn during his visits to Italy.

Part of the exhibition is an ExLab project run by Bjørn, Henning Christiansen, Ates Gürsimsek, Steffen Thorlund and Morten Brandrup and the exhibition made possible a first presentation of the ideas and a prototype of this project. It aims at an intelligent, interactive, and digital version of Bjørn’s sketches and sketch books in a theatre-like and hexagonal shape – an intelligent hybrid of books, theatre, and exhibition sensitive to the visitors movements.

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FAB LAB RUC meeting, Friday, November 15 2013.


It has just been decided to co-ordinate the diverse activities of some of the labs at Roskilde University – ExLab, HUM-TEK, and a Performance Design workshop – and to share the resources allocated. The organizing principles of this initiative are inspired by the FAB LAB movement an the related ideas.

In the meeting, Friday November 15, Jens Friis Jensen, Connie Svabo, Michael Haldrup and Sisse Siggaard Jensen discussed how best to initiate this, and also, how to coordinate and share resources.

As a first step, we decided to meet once a month to establish some of the needs and requirements of this initiative.

Organisation and Management of Design, Friday November 8.


This Friday I will discuss the ExLab initiative with a group of students to make concrete and exemplify the development of an innovation, i.e. ExLab, and the many problems and barriers we have met some of which we have managed to overcome.

I will point out the three interrelated problem areas: Cross-disciplinary collaboration, technological complexities, and the lack of economic means.

BiMus – a new committee, 1st meeting, Tuesday November 5th 2013


Roskilde University is represented by me in a committee of partners from different professions and institutions in the Roskilde/Sjælland region. The committee is assembled to discuss ideas and projects with the potential to further develop and innovate, among others, the collaboration among the participating partners, the kinds of services that the partners provide, and the possible new experiences that the region makes possible and the participating partners can envisage.

Members of the committee represent:

  • Roskilde Museum
  • Roskilde Bibliotekerne
  • Lejre bibliotek
  • Bibliotekerne, Frederikssund
  • Kultur, idræt og dagtilbud, Frederikssund kommune
  • Kulturstyrelsen
  • Roskilde kommune
  • Lejre kommune
  • Roskilde University


ExLab meeting, Wednesday 11-12, 9.30-11.30


The EU Research call “Horizon 2020” will be announced this Wednesday, and we will discuss the call with regard to Experience Lab. The question is if and how we are going to apply for funding.

We will also discuss a development project proposal to be submitted to the Rektorpulje: Experimental Group Rooms.

ExLab meeting, Tuesday 26-11, 9.30-11.00


We have many things going at the moment in ExLab: the Italian pictures exhibition at Instituto Italiano di Cultura di Copenhagen, the FAB LAB initiative, the Viking Ship museum project, the BiMus Roskilde development project committee, the Orange Innovation network, a FKK post.doc application, a further development of the ExCylinder, and future application ideas.

This Tuesday we discussed all of these activities to find our paths. Several new applications are in the pipeline at the moment (Italienske billeder, Havhingsten, Landgangsbroen, Lyd, Intelligent spaces for teaching and learning), and John mentioned that some of the themes of the EU program “Horizon 2020” appear to be relevant to ExLab research. So, “why not give it a try” was his implicit question – we will discuss this question at our next meeting, December 11 😉

We also discussed the newly started FAB LAB at RUC and the question of how to further develop the relationship between ExLab and FAB LAB. It was mentioned and agreed upon that we should call attention to needs for equipment and also make visible in the FAB LAB some of the many activities of ExLab.

ExLab meeting, Wednesday 30-10, 14.00-16.00


På mødet i dag drøfter vi afslutningen af det fysiske design af ExCylinderen og brugen af den i Haralds workshop. Der er lavet videooptagelser af workshoppen, som vi skal finde ud af at bruge.

De projekter der er i gang med design af vikingetidsmaterialet og den hybride og interaktive installation, der kombinerer en bog og en udstilling, beretter også om den seneste udvikling af projekterne.

Vores “gamle” projektorer kan evt. bruges til udlån i RUC AV – det skal vi også lige have fundet ud af.

HøjteknologIfonden har ansøgningsfrist i januar, så vi kigger på deres opslag, kriterier og finansieringsmodeller for at vurdere om ExLab skal udarbejde en ansøgning.

Roskilde University Årsfest 2013


The annual celebration at Roskilde University was the occasion for all of us in ExLab to show the new design of the Experience Cylinder constructed by Engelbrecht Construction A/S. Three groups of guests joined us in the lab for a presentation of our work and research.

Morten and Ates are working hard to prepare the presentation of a 3D model of the solar system in the new ExCylinder:

2013-09-20 14.35.45

To show our visitors that traditional media and technologies are also part of our work and research Bjørn presented the sketches from his many visits to Italy. The sketches and the model below is meant to be the content of a “hybrid” of an interactive book and an interactive exhibition. Bjørn is currently working together with Henning and Morten to realize this idea:

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The height of the ExCylinder is 4 meter it was therefore a thrilling experience to wait for the moment when it would show if the installation was too tall and big for the lab:

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