Tag Archives: Kulturstyrelsen

BiMus – a new committee, 1st meeting, Tuesday November 5th 2013


Roskilde University is represented by me in a committee of partners from different professions and institutions in the Roskilde/Sjælland region. The committee is assembled to discuss ideas and projects with the potential to further develop and innovate, among others, the collaboration among the participating partners, the kinds of services that the partners provide, and the possible new experiences that the region makes possible and the participating partners can envisage.

Members of the committee represent:

  • Roskilde Museum
  • Roskilde Bibliotekerne
  • Lejre bibliotek
  • Bibliotekerne, Frederikssund
  • Kultur, idræt og dagtilbud, Frederikssund kommune
  • Kulturstyrelsen
  • Roskilde kommune
  • Lejre kommune
  • Roskilde University
