Monthly Archives: December 2012

ExLab RUC meeting in January 2013

Hi all,

Our next meeting in the ExLab RUC team is January 10th when we will hear how the work progresses solving the sound problems in the Experience Cylinder. Also, we will discuss the ideas for how to make useful for the university some of the experience we have from the development of the experience cylinder. We are also working on an application entitled “Co-creation of Rich Immersive and Intelligent Learning Spaces.” The idea is to integrate the conceptual framework developed in ExLab Experience Cylinder Rich Immersive and Intelligent Spaces with a project about the Co-creation of Learning Resources.

The next deadline for Institutpuljen is February 1 2013.

Sisse 😉

Brainstorming: Rich Immersive and Intelligent Learning Spaces

Ates, Morten and I will meet to discuss visions and brainstorm about ideas and content of an application that will address learning situations, new immersive and intelligent learning spaces and embodied interaction.

The questions we will ask are: What are the main challenges and problems that we face in the project organised, problem oriented and interdisciplinary education at RUC? How can the design of new learning spaces which integrate physical space with virtual 3D models and virtual layers of augmented reality help bring forward the particular educational approach at RUC?

The idea is to come up with three scenarios

Sisse 😉

ExLab RUC møde, torsdag 6. december 2012

Vi mødes for at drøfte de videre planer for ExLab: Hvordan skal Oplevelsescylinderen videreudvikles? Hvilke fonde skal vi søge for at skaffe midler til den fortsatte udvikling af RUC Lab’et? Hvilke projekter satser vi på at starte og gennemføre i 2013?

Vi gør også status efter RUC Innovation konferencen og de lydproblemer, der stadig er.

ExLab deltager i RUCinnovation’s konference, onsdag d. 28. november 2012

We are presenting ExLab RUC at the RUC Innovation conference with three activities: a presentation in the Cinema lecture hall, a stand with ExLab videos and a “live” experience in the Experience Cylinder.

Ready to welcome our guests:

ExLab deltager i RUC Innovation’s konference med 3 forskellige aktiviteter.

I Biografen præsenterede vi vores ExLab visioner og organisation:


I forrummet til Biografen viste vi 4 videoer om Lab’et og nogle af de igangværende projekter:

Og i selve Lab’et fik deltagerne en introduktion til RUC 3D projektet og til en 3D simulation af Havhingstens rejse fra Roskilde til Dublin:

insert picture from the Experience Cylinder