Category Archives: Education

Visualisering af viden i virtuelle læringsstrategier (ViViD)

Vi har lige udarbejdet et oplæg til UNI RUC om virtuelle læringsteknologier (ViViD):

I oplægget foreslår vi, at forskningscenter Experience Lab RUC indgår i udviklingen af virtuelle læringsteknologier med et projekt om visualisering af viden i virtuelle læringsteknologier – projekt ViViD.


Viden om komplekse samspil, strukturer, netværk og systemer stiller os i stigende grad over for problemer med dels at forstå disse samspil og dels at formidle forståelsen heraf. Det gælder ikke blot den stigende og massive mængde af tilgængelige data, viden og kommunikation, der blandt andet har taget form af manipulerbare algoritmisk organiserede data, men nok så meget gælder det samspil mellem heterogene data forstået som en kompleksitet af fx visuelle data, sansedata, oplevelse, kommunikation, erfaring og praksisformer.

De øgede muligheder for multi-modal digital og virtuel kommunikation og interaktion rummer nye muligheder for at formidle sådanne komplekse samspil, men det er ikke umiddelbart indlysende, hvordan vi bedst kan udnytte disse teknologier til at skabe rum for læring og eksperimenter med kompleks viden. Det er en aktuel udfordring at finde egnede måder at præsentere en given dataindsamling på eller at illustrere en given historie; effektiv visualisering er svært at opnå, men eksisterende viden om visualisering kan give et afsæt for at skabe nyt.”

Vi har tidligere arbejdet med et projekt om interaktive og “rige” rum for projektorganiserede studier, se her.

Ny digital strategi lover flere penge til forskning

Showtime HUMTEK with the Viking Ship Museum, November 3, 2017

So many funny and inspiring ideas were shown when students from Roskilde University (RUC) presented their ideas and prototypes about interaction with installations to communicate knowledge and experience about maritime archeology and the viking age. It all took place in the Viking Ship Museum maritime archeology experimentarium in close collaboration with Troels Andresen, computer scientist and active member of Experience Lab RUC, and Mads Rosendahl, also computer scientist from the People and Technology department at the university.

A group of students highlighted a silhouette of a war ship on the ceiling of the Maritime Archeology Exhibition.

A very dramatic installation was created by a group of students who used many different senses to communicate a sense of the viking age, for instance, sound, light, music, artefacts. Below: the magic sword.

The water has risen steadily since the Stone Ages; much archeological evidence of the Stone Ages is therefore “hidden” below sea level. To gain knowledge about sunken villages the students created a prototype of an installation to show how sea level and topology have changed over the past 20.000 years.

“The Substance of Drawing – a Guide to Visual Power” by Bjørn Laursen, Performance Design

Bjørn recently published the work “The Substance of Drawing – a Guide to Visual Power”, which helps guide the reader through the many wonders and difficulties of the craft and art of drawing. Beside the very instructive examples and Bjørn’s guidance, the book in itself is an aesthetic experience.


“This book is not a manual as it is normally meant. It is not just a technical guide to learning how to draw. It lets you understand the motivations and impulses that are at the origin of drawing and the processes that are activated when you draw. And drawing is intended not so much as a simple tool, more or less effective, to imitate reality, but as a means of knowledge and memory with respect to reality. What Bjørn Laursen lets us understand is how listening and the availability to be captured by what we have around are essential qualities for an artist, and how the act of drawing is not a passive recording of objects, but a discovering and imagining, discovering the present and its history, and imaging the future of the environment we live in.” Fabrizio Crisafulli

“This work is an eye opener – literally speaking. Bjørn Laursen leads his reader into a world of wonderful hand-drawn sketches that marvelously become alive as the author paves the way through the art of drawing, an art that sharpens our perception of the world. Not only the coordination of the hand and eye, but all of our senses get involved in reading this book: the author actually managed to make me grab pencils of different thickness and hardness to use them to outline light and shadow, shape and perspective. And, to do so, by showing me as a reader how to observe quite simple forms. It is a pleasure to follow Bjørn Laursens thoughts when he shows how light and shadow get shapes and objects to grow on the paper and also when he introduces his reader to the art of narrative drawing. The book itself is a pleasure as it is richly illustrated with Bjørn Laursens hand drawings. They are so beautiful that the aesthetic experience leads the reader into an almost timeless universe. Not least in the chapter with the authors drawings from Rome. I highly recommend this work, which gives the reader a chance to meet Bjørn Laursens thoughts and drawings and also to regain the joy of drawing especially so in the company of an outstanding artist and educator.” Sisse Siggaard Jensen

The Substance of Drawing can be bought here.